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First question, how did everyone survive their first week of 2020? Second question, did you make resolutions or set any yearly goals? I have never been a big fan of resolutions but I’m all about crushing goals. Regardless of whether its resolutions or goals the ONE thing you need to reach them is commitment! Oh that’s a big word with heavy consequences. Commitment is dedication wrapped up in a pretty little bow. How dedicated and or committed are you to reaching your goals?  I can tell you from experience that if you are not committed you will not succeed, in anything. Sure you can get what some call “lucky” on occasion but even if you are riding a wave of lucky success it will surely crash hard and fast if you aren’t committed to keeping it going.

Now let’s hone this discussion in on fitness and nutrition. How many ads have you seen for gym memberships, weight loss “solutions”, and fitness equipment recently? Too many to count I would bet. Not a single one of those things will work for you if you aren’t committed to your goals. It takes work and work equals commitment.  Commitment is a lifestyle change. The ‘fast, quick and easy’ methods to a healthy body are FAKE NEWS! Fast and easy do not equate to good sustainable health. And don’t tell me you’re afraid of commitment. You are signing 2 year contacts for your phone, 6 years for your car and 30 years for your home. Give your body some love, get committed and become a stronger version of you!

So let’s revisit … How committed are you to a better, stronger version of you? Now here’s your homework, on a scale from 1-10 (10 being very committed) and I want to you be honest with yourself, write that number down somewhere. Once you have it and can reflect on it, ask yourself if it is a fair number for you?  Could the number be better? If so, what do you need to do to get there? Once you are satisfied with the whys of the number concentrate on the hows.  How do you need to change your habits to match your number?  Spend some time thinking about the number, your goals and the changes you need to make. Next week we’ll talk about it some more. 

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