This fun Partner Circuit will keep you moving and shaking with your favorite fitness friend! Grab a Medicine Ball, Stability ball, Sandbell or pillow and get ready to get your sweat session going!
You’ll get 5 minutes right in the beginning to get your heart rate pumping, then move into a challenging circuit. We use the TRX, Bosu, Stability Ball and dumbbells in class. You will be given options for the TRX and Bosu exercises if you don’t have them at home, so this class is still doable… Read More
This is a great workout if you have some equipment at home! No worries if you don’t, there are options for every exercise to use just dumbbells or bodyweight! We use the TRX, Bosu, Step and Big Medicine Balls. There are 4 stations with 3 exercises at each station you must complete before moving on…. Read More
Grab your Bosu Balance Trainer and Ballast Ball with a set of heavy dumbbells. Advanced Circuit 3 is a mix of cardio and strength training designed to keep you moving for 30 minutes.
You’ll need a Large Medicine Ball (or small one), Dumbbells, and a Stability Ball for this fun Circuit with Cardio Intervals. This is a fast moving challenge that is sure to get your heart rate up!
In this 18 minute workout, you will feel the glutes working and will also get your heart rate up! You’ll squat and lunge your way through an awesome lower body toning workout.
In this 17 minute workout, you will get to use your bodyweight and dumbbells to train both your body and your heart. Circuit workouts take you from one exercise to the next with little to no break. Try this out and see if you can make it through the two heart pumping sets!