My ACL Journey

On January 28, 2017, I tore my right ACL while snow skiing.  I was in Ellicottville, New York, my second day on the slopes.  I did take a beginner class the day before and had done fairly well.  I was in a beginner class the second day, but I was… Read More

Fitness Trackers

Fitness Trackers are all the rage and most of us have one strapped to our wrist or attached to our clothing.  I love mine and I do use it to track my fitness.  Although this is a great source of information, there are some drawbacks to the little devices. Accuracy… Read More

Unimportance of Scale Weight

Allowing your self worth and happiness to be determined by your scale weight is not only damaging, but also pointless. You scale weight fluctuates and is not a true measure of progress or failure. Once you understand why your scale weight goes up and down, you’ll understand why it is… Read More

Weight Loss Products and Supplements

I am constantly approached by people who want me to be a part of their team and sell a product promising weight loss. Have you ever noticed that I don’t sell products or align my brand with another company? There’s a reason I don’t. THERE IS NO MAGIC There is… Read More

Packing Healthy Food for Travel

Trying to eat healthy while traveling can be challenging.  Your mode of transportation also dictates what you are able to pack.  Here are a few tips I have found that keep me on my nutrition plan while traveling. Driving Pack a cooler when you are driving.  I have several size… Read More

What To Do When An Injury Occurs

What do you do when your fitness goals get set back by an injury? It happens often and being active sometimes means you will have the unfortunate obstacle of an accident or injury. Depending upon the severity, there are a few techniques you can employ to keep your goals from… Read More

I’ll Start When…..

I’ll start eating healthy on Monday. I’ll start going to the gym when the kids go to school. I just have too much on my plate to focus on eating healthy and exercising. How often have you heard these or said them yourself? I have news for you. Until you… Read More

Weight Loss Keys

As a Personal Trainer in Ocala, one of the most frequent reasons people hire me is for weight loss. I get asked the most questions about how to lose weight. I get asked about every fad diet, workout craze, supplement and <dreaded> MLM product out there. When I tell people… Read More

My First Experience with a Life Coach

My life is great!  I love my job, love going to see my clients each day and I have a very successful business.  I’m happy in my personal life.  I enjoy marriage and have some pretty great friends.  Sure, there are a few areas where I struggle.  I certainly want… Read More

Nothing is more important than your health

When I began my business, my tagline was “Nothing is more important than your health!”  I believed that no matter what you had, money, a successful career, a happy family, none of that could supersede being healthy.  Now, with over ten years of experience in personal training, being in people’s… Read More